To promote art and culture through inspiring partnerships: our mission in addition to our products.
Since 2020, Panzeri has been committed to developing the company’s Culture Program, a program of meetings, exhibitions and events intended to disseminate lighting culture among designers and end users.

For us, storytelling is the ultimate expression of industrial thinking.
Telling the story of a project entails reflection on the role of lighting as a fundamental feature of public and private spaces, in the context of the cultural trends of contemporary society and how it interacts with architecture and cities.
The latest activities of the Panzeri Culture Program:

L’Eccellenza Del Made In Italy
L’eccellenza del Made in Italy è stato al centro della discussione, e insieme a Matteo Thun sono stati sollevati gli elementi che distinguono il saper fare Italiano nel panorama internazionale. Avanguardia, tradizione e tecnologia sono sempre parte nel DNA dell’azienda Panzeri e si manifestano in ogni sua creazione. Photo Credits: Niklas Förster
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Architetture illuminate per un benessere sostenibile
L’evento in presenza, promosso da Panzeri che si terrà alla Listone Giordano Arena di Milano il 26 maggio alle 18.00 con Patricia Viel, Paolo Inghilleri e Andrea Siniscalco.
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Illuminating Culture to Design the Rebirth of the Country
Illuminating Culture to Design the Rebirth of the Country, Maurizio De Caro's editorial in view of the inauguration of the new exhibition section at the Certosa and San Martino Museum in Naples.
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