The latest activities of the Panzeri Culture Program:


L’Eccellenza Del Made In Italy

L’eccellenza del Made in Italy è stato al centro della discussione, e insieme a Matteo Thun sono stati sollevati gli elementi che distinguono il saper fare Italiano nel panorama internazionale. Avanguardia, tradizione e tecnologia sono sempre parte nel DNA dell’azienda Panzeri e si manifestano in ogni sua creazione. Photo Credits: Niklas Förster

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Architetture illuminate per un benessere sostenibile

L’evento in presenza, promosso da Panzeri che si terrà alla Listone Giordano Arena di Milano il 26 maggio alle 18.00 con Patricia Viel, Paolo Inghilleri e Andrea Siniscalco.

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Illuminating Culture to Design the Rebirth of the Country

Illuminating Culture to Design the Rebirth of the Country, Maurizio De Caro's editorial in view of the inauguration of the new exhibition section at the Certosa and San Martino Museum in Naples.

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Light in Architecture: The Anti-matter of Contemporary Art

Maurizio De Caro, within the Panzeri for Culture project, explores the role of light inside the architectural typology of the museum.

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“Panzeri for Culture”

The value of culture in contemporary business. It is certainly a place Panzeri had to go, a necessity it had always felt, but today a firm step forward has been taken with a strategy of development and collaboration with Italy's cultural institutions.

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What to show and how to show yourself (to the world)

Every intellectual and industrial programme conceals an ambition and a desire. In our case, we want to express our desire to describe the present in order to imagine the future.

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The multimedia phases of the project

Poly-disciplinarity, .search for new creative talent/new creativity, .productive, neo-artisan and industrial interaction .#Panzeri2030.©

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The development of materials

.Materials and research .shapes, colours, flexibility, modularity, .tradition and innovation, .experimentation, construction techniques, .recyclability, sustainability, consumption.

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Analysing change

In order to plan, a company that produces beautiful products needs to thoroughly analyse the changing tastes and sensitivity of potential consumers, who are now more than ever, conscious of ethical and aesthetic choices.

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Telling the story of a company is like writing a novel, a family of entrepreneurs, its research, its talent, its history, the need to make an aesthetic, ethical and technological identity explicit.

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